News to update your proof of registration in the Registry of State Suppliers (RPE)
March 13, 2023
The General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) -in its capacity as Governing Body of the National System of Public Procurement and Contracting (SNCCP)-, on March 7 of this year established the start of the first stage of outdating of State suppliers, whose legal and administrative documentation appears as expired in the Electronic System of Public Procurement SECP – Transactional Portal.
This first stage will enter into force after thirty (30) business days, counted from the date of issuance of said circular and will be carried out automatically by the Transactional Portal.
During the beginning of this first stage of supplier outdating, the DGCP will verify the following information:
– Expiration of the commercial registration certificate (duration of 2 years): If you do not update it, it will change the registration certificate to “outdated”, which will prevent a supplier from being able to publicize its economic offer and awarded; until you make the corresponding updates.
–Expiration of the certification or documentation, which grants the condition of “MIPYME” and “MIPYME Woman”: If you do not update it, the MIPYME condition will change from “Yes” to “No”, which will prevent you from submitting offers through the Transactional Portal, in exclusive processes of the contracting institution.
To avoid the outdated proof of your registration in the State Providers Registry (RPE), you must keep the documentation established in article 24 of Resolution no. PNP-04-2022 up to date.